Historians Reveal the Truth About Rosa Parks in New Documentary

Historians Reveal the Truth About Rosa Parks in New Documentary



Historians Reveal the Truth About Rosa Parks in New Documentary


Rosa Parks is known as the "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement" for her iconic act of refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus in 1955. However, historians Dane Calloway and Taneisha Calloway have discovered that much of what we think we know about Parks and her role in the movement is not entirely accurate.


The Calloways have created a new documentary called "Mother Rosa" that delves into the true story of Rosa Parks and her impact on the Civil Rights Movement. The documentary is the result of their extensive research, which involved combing through archives, interviewing experts, and separating fact from fiction.


One of several most surprising revelations in the documentary is that the famous picture of Parks being fingerprinted by an officer was actually taken several months after she was arrested and bailed out of jail. The photo was staged as a test to see how the public would react by way of the press.



The Calloways were intrigued by the story of Rosa Parks and realized that a lot of information deemed as fact is not true. They discovered why it was important for certain people to present the Rosa Parks story in a particular way rather than how it actually happened.


The documentary is a mix of genres including drama, suspense, and thriller. It has been produced, directed, edited, and written by Dane Calloway and Taneisha Calloway for Im Just Here To Make You Think, Inc. and IJHTMYT Productions.


The Calloways have presented their evidence in an unbiased manner, allowing viewers to draw their own conclusions about the true impact of Rosa Parks on the Civil Rights Movement. The documentary serves as a reminder that history is not always as straightforward as it seems and that it is important to question the narratives that we are presented with.


"Mother Rosa" is a must-watch for anyone interested in learning more about the Civil Rights Movement and Rosa Parks's true story. It is a powerful reminder that even the most iconic figures in history have a more complex story than what we are often taught.


Click here to watch the Mother Rosa documentary


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